I spent the summer and fall of 2018 as a User Interface and User Experience Designer at Paytronix Systems Inc. in Newton Massachusetts. I loved working with and learning from a diverse group of teams there - from product and marketing to front and back end engineering - everyone was responsive, strategic, and so welcoming. Showcased here is some of the work I have/or am currently doing for them as w they work to update their software and make it easy for restaurants everywhere to connect with their customers.
Resources Page: An Iterative Process
One of the projects I helped to head was a redesign of the company's marketing resources page. Conversions for the site were low and I was tasked with sifting through the extensive data to find why and present design solutions to solve the problem and modernize the page. Below are many of the wireframes and mockups developed throughout the process as the projects continues.

Analytics Tool: A Strategic Process
One of the most impressive features of Paytronix's customer loyalty software is the depth and knowledge of its data. This data is frequently organized into "dashboards" or sets of data visualizations on one particular facet of a client's loyalty program. However, while extremely powerful and insightful these are hidden in layers of difficult navigation and nested menus. The product team is currently working to make this tool more user friendly. Below are many of the mockups for both desktop and tablet that I spearheaded for this project.

Paytronix.com Homepage
Paytronix expressed dissatisfaction with the look and feel of their current homepage, but also had trepidation that updating their site would make the site feel too much like their competitors or not be recognizable as part of Paytronix. It fell to me to help streamline the information on the page, distill the inout of many stakeholders with disparate opinions and create a site that would feel simple, clean, and eye-catching while still keeping the spirit of what makes Paytronix special. Below is a scroll-through of the final design, some parts of which are currently being A/B tested on the company's homepage.
Pendo Style Guide

Webinar Slide Deck
Webinars are a popular way to introduce or reinforce Paytronix's knowledge, expertise, and philosophy to potential and current clients. The deck commonly used to create them, however, was looking a little worn down. I was approached by the Marketing team to give the slide deck a refresh, and to bring it more in line with Paytronix's brand vision.

Bond Over a Bite Landing Page
This project was done in connection with a new hire by the Marketing team who was tasked with planning a marketing food and social event. Designed to be a template in the likelyhood that similar events would be held in a series this page showcases all the information invitees would need before registering. Now being translated to a LinkedIn invite due to timeline complications. This landing page documentation exists in case the decision is made to continue the series of events.

All projects displayed on this page are the intellectual property of Paytronix Systems Inc. Permission to display was given by the Product and Marketing Teams' management. Any unauthorized use or display is strictly prohibited.