In the last 2 years my houseplant collection has gone from a single, sad cactus on a desk in the studios of MassArt to more than 40+ plants, each with their own story, needs, and complexities. It's been a journey of self care and intense learning for me and I absolutely love it. In this design exercise I wanted to try my hand at print design again and create a (sadly, fictional) book that would cover this topic & hopefully help people understand exactly why this topic is so fascinating and meaningful to me.
So, here is "Modern Jungle, a guide to plant care and self care in the 21st Century".
The pages are structured to give quick references on plant care as well as more granular information on the plants and their history and wrapped up in a cute coffee table book. Ideal gift giving for plant nerds or black thumbs alike.

Full Jacket design for "Modern Jungle"