Collect UI is a website dedicated to "Daily inspiration collected from daily ui archive and beyond. Hand picked, updating daily." with daily topics and key words each day. Inspired by the popular "Ink-tober" tradition among Illustrators I have decided to attempt to complete at least one piece of UI work for each prompt.
Day 1: Sign Up

Day 2: Checkout

Day 3: Landing Page

Below are just a selection of iterations from the one-day process of this prompt, "Landing Page" as I wanted to highlight how many versions I cycle through before making a finished products as I feel that is something clients overlook in budget and timeline.

Day 4: Calculator

Day 5: App Icon

Day 6: User Profile

Below are the iterations from the one-day process of this prompt. I wanted to highlight how many versions I cycle through before making a finished product, even in the very short time I allow myself to complete these challenges.

Day 7: Settings

Day 8: 404

Day 9: Music Player

Day 10: Social Share

Note: all article text, images, and branding courtesy of epicurious.
Day 11: Flash Messages

Day 12: Single Product

Day 13: Direct Messaging

Day 14: Countdown Timer

Day 15: On/Off Switch

Day 16: Pop Up

Day 17: Email Receipt

Day 18: Analytics Chart

Day 19: Leaderboard

Day 20: Location Tracker

Day 21: Dashboard

Day 22: Search

Day 23: Onboarding

Note: This project was completed using edited graphics "12 Flat Business Illustrations Sketch Resource" on A big thank you to the original artist and the team!
Day 24: Boarding Pass

Day 25: TV App

Day 26: Subscribe

Day 27: Dropdown

Day 28: Contact Us

Day 29: Map